Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"Im gonna marry you"

Every time I get a text, A little bit of excitement quickly builds up inside me in the off chance It might be you - 90% of the time its not you. Probably 95%. You rarely get your phone I've come to realize.
But tonight you got your phone!
For more than 10 minutes too, You me lots of things like how you now know how to kill people with your bare hands - I'm not sure if I'm ecstatic about that one, In terms of protection from possible rapists - yes. Its defiantly a commendable skill. But if domestic violence ever initiates between us...
Not that It would, I'm just thinking up hypothetical scenarios that aren't even plausible as "possible".
You did inform me tonight though your going to marry me with a simple, straight up "I'm gonna marry you" text. I replied "I'm gonna marry you too".

You told about about your plans to visit Bali next year. A trip for me and you, your mate and his girlfriend. Sounds nice. Defiantly keen, the probability of it happening? I don't know so I won't get too excited yet.
I haven't really informed you of how I might be in Spain next year for 6 - 12 months. Well I have but I know you didn't take it seriously. I'm not sure how u will react when i finalize plans and fly out, it will be an opposite of the usual occurrence of you leaving for the army, i'd be leaving instead - It's what stopping me from going really. You. I wish you could come.

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