Monday, May 23, 2011

Life Without You

Is is contradictory to say I can't live life without you? when in reality I am without you?
I know no matter how much I try to explain, I just cant quite. But I know you will know what I mean.
Deep down I know your there with with me, even if the physical appearance of you isn't.
In terms of relationship status, technically I am "With someone".

21 Days a year the Army website states is the amount if time I will get to be with you... 21 days of a total 365. Please correct me on that one. That's only 3 weeks if my maths is correct.

I feel like all I do is ultimately complain about the predicament we find ourselves in. But at the end of the day I wouldn't rather be with anyone else. I'm pretty proud to say my boyfriend is in the Army. While it pulls the heart strings a bit when I talk about you - Its impressive.

No matter how many days and nights we are apart. Ill wait for you. I know in the end it will be worth it. The end - What is he end? When does the Army career "end"
Regardless of the questions I don't think I will truly ever know the answer too, none of it matters for when I jump into your arms and you lift me effortlessly off the ground in one dramatic swift motion - nothing matters. Nothing else matters in that moment apart from me and you. The briefest moments like that make anything worthwhile.

I wrote a letter to you. I don't know how long it will take to get to you.
It was suppose to be your turn to reply but through the briefest texting conversation we shared the other night, you said you hadn't had time to reply - Its okay I said I'd write again, you replied with an "I love you"
I love you to.

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