Thursday, May 19, 2011

Your Necklace

I wear your necklace everyday. Every night. 24/7.
You can't wear your necklace in Army. So i'll wear it instead.
Every time I touch it, or see it around my neck - I think of you.
I twirl it around my fingers as I fall asleep.
I glad to have something to remind me of you. although I'm not entirely sure I needed anymore reminding, necklace or not your always on my mind.

As my mind wanders I try to imagine what your doing at this exact moment in time. Running comes to mind. Or just something physical in general. Something I'd be incapable of. The day you went back you told me you had a 20km run to do the next day. Makes me tired just thinking about it.

I try not to mope around being a real obvious downer. That gets no one no where.
I try to keep busy. Like you are i suppose. Although not that busy. Not running 20km busy.
Busy as in - Ill get my camera out every now and then which no subject to shoot. Just spontaneous shooting.
I brought the horse back into work as that's a full time commitment and it defiantly takes my mind of things. But horses are also frustrating. They make me angry a lot more than they should. Then everything I think of irritates me. Even you - How your left me for the Army. It was a choice. I know your happy there, but how? I'm not always happy here. Your miles away from me. You left me.

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