Sunday, July 3, 2011

Gone Again

I leaned against the large pane of glass that overlooked the airport runway.
Your small plane to Christchurch with you and 5 other Army boys on it, turned at the end of the runway and accelerated for take off.
The moment of lift off, desolation immediately flooded by entire body. I held it together.

The 3 days had gone way to fast. Only seemed like an hour ago we were leaving Waiouru, I was falling asleep on your cameo print shoulder, holding your green beret in my hand.
Your demeanor so different when you stood confidently in your Army uniform at AARC graduation. You were in the top platoon. You now had badges representing significant achievement. On the collar of the dress uniform you have two swords meaning you are an infantry rifleman.
Back at home on your civi clothes you become the completely unchanged funny guy that I knew would never disappear for too long.

You landed in Christchurch today at about 1pm - in your words "Its rocks" - you have a blunt sense of humor. But it isn't actually that good, its freezing and you informed me via text that its pretty average. I hope you aren't too unhappy there for too long.

13 weeks to go.

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