Sunday, November 6, 2011
If waking up with a panic attack so extreme that it leaves you unable to breathe is anything to go by.
I've researched all over to try and help, but it's medically proven that no one can explain why night terrors occur. In what state of mind does one have to be in to see a mate sleeping in the same room get violently stabbed to death? In what state of mind must one be in that it takes said mate over 20 minutes to wake you up from your panicking terror? What is happening inside your head.
They say not to try wake a person during a night terror episode, because they freak out. But also not to wake them because sometimes they can unknowingly attack their partner, or anyone who interferes with them.
Would they deploy you to Afghanistan if they knew about your ever-worsening nighttime panic attacks?
They would if they knew nothing about it.
You have only willingly told me.
And anyone else unfortunate to enough to wake up to your fearful hysteria.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
I let you think.
I didn't want to "convince" you into anything - while I was devastated at your sudden approach toward me, I knew deep down you didn't want me gone. You were still telling me you loved me, but you just couldn't deal with everything right now.
You must have realized leaving me was not going to help your situation. Only hinder if anything.
You snapped out of it and now still you continue apologize for your mental state of mind.
You're home next week for just over 10 days.
While I'm stoked about that. You also told me if you get into alpha company as a top recruit you could get deployed to Afghanistan as soon as next October. Chances are high.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
My Life
I'm a deeply unhappy person. You are the only person who genuinely makes me smile. You're also capable of completely tearing me apart though.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Leaving By Choice
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Don't Wait Forever
- "Just get a plane ticket and go!
- save a bit, sell your car and boostI dare you to go to Spain, just go."Those words he said to me completely threw straight back into the "I have no idea where I'm going in life rut", I thought I had it sorted, I had forgotten about Spain, I discarded it as I could never afford it anytime soon since I spent almost $3000 on a professional camera. I was happy I had a short term goal which is rare for me, The goal being I would move down to Christchurch and live with you."I just don't want to see someone that's keen to go away procrastinate until its to late, while you're young girl, don't wait for the army honestly.
- I'm going to convince you and make you buy your tickets and then you can thank me wen you get there, cause its way better than a cold shaking piece of ground with no town anymore cause its all destroyed"
- Is he right? don't know but now I'm stuck with this big rain cloud over my head filled with burdens of money and time. It ruins lives. Money and time rules the world. If some doesn't do something/ go somewhere you can almost guarantee they did have the money or time. If I live to be like 50 or something I don't want to look back and know I don't have a significant life story to tell, I want a lifetime experience. I want stories to tell.I feel shit now that I've wasted 18 years of my life doing sweet fuck all. I feel stupid spending my days waiting for a boy, you.You have to make something of your life, no one is going to do it for you. I don't want to fall in the same generic trap that everyone else has had in my family, The trap of growing up in a small country town, staying there for life and having the same job for over 20 years. More than anything in the world I don't want to settle down like that. I can see my sister is already starting too. Wants to buy a house etc. Quite happy where she is. Her idea of "travel" is going to Australia for a couple of weeks with a friend. No fuck that, I'm quite prepared to jump into a foreign culture where I don't speak the language by myself. Sure someone to share the experience with would be nice but I'm not about to wait around for someone else, cause there is that issue of time I mentioned before. It's a bitch isn't it.I do feel like I'm waiting for you and the army and the person I quoted is right, and no that person isn't a family member, because none of my immediate family would ever encourage something as "extreme" as jumping on a plane with no return ticket and actually living life.I believe the world is like a book, and if you never travel you only ever read one page.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Maybe I Miss You
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Run Away
Paper Plus Has A Way With Words
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Cause your love is something that you just don't push aside
And I'll promise that I'll give you all my lovin'
Girl I'll open up my heart because there's nothing to hide
ooh..oh nothing to hide
ooh..oh nothing to hide
Girl open up your heart and let your love shine through
Cause what's inside you can't deny
Them other guys were schoolin' you
I realize it from the start
All the games played on your heart
Cause I've been watchin' you for so long
The love I witnessed wasn't wrong
I would never ever wanna see you lonely
cause your love is something that you just don't push aside
And I'll promise I will give you all my lovin'
Girl I'll open up my heart because there's nothing to hide
ooh..oh nothing to hide
ooh..oh nothing to hide
Girl lets just fall in love
And start a family
Cause i know the man above
Made you especially for me
I promise I would give my all
To support your every need
I would sacrifice my life
To fulfill your every dream
I'd be tossin'
I'd be turnin'
Just feeling all your pain
I say the fire still burnin'
Cause all of remains
I promise we could last forever
I'll never make you cry
I know that we could make it
Cause there's nothing to hide
Cause I don't ever ever wanna see you lonely
Cause your love is something that you just don't push aside
And I'll promise that I'll give you all my lovin'
Girl I'll open up my heart because there's nothing to hide
ooh..oh nothing to hide
ooh..oh nothing to hide
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Excited To See You
Thursday, July 28, 2011
This Is What I Love About You
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Good Enough
Thursday, July 21, 2011
That First Hug
Monday, July 18, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
A Penny Dropped
Friday, July 15, 2011
It's Not The Tennis - It's You.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
In Your Room
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Things You Say To Me
Monday, July 11, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
This Would Be My Funeral Song
Intoxicated - Hope This Makes Sense
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
1 Day Down
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Gone Again
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Friday, July 1, 2011
Your Home
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Loved and Lost
Friday, June 24, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Waking Up

Tuesday, June 21, 2011
A Bit Shocking

Monday, June 20, 2011
Love Doesn't Hurt
Every Rose Has Its Thorn
I Don't Know What It Is About You
I didn't write this - I'm not that creative when it comes to words. But i loved how true this was so I thought I'd repost it.
"I don’t know what it is about you
That makes me catch my breathe every time you look at me
The nerves that make me shake
Being near your body gives mine this magnetic pull towards you.
What it is about you?
I’ve been in love. I’ve been hurt from it, and I’ve felt like floating on a cloud from it.
I’ve been there. I’ve felt crazy feelings before. And I’ve had my share of “crushes” – but this, this is no childish crush.
I never fall for anyone like this. I’m so guarded. Too guarded. With SO many expectations because I learned that’s what will protect me.
I don’t know what it is about you
But I can’t find a flaw.
Because even your flaws to others, just make you an even more beautiful person to me. You are such a REAL person. You have passion in your soul. So gentle and so powerful at the same time. Your humility is stunning. You are truly a man in every sense of the word. You are exactly the kind of person I want in my life.
Is this what it is about you?
Is that what it is that makes me want to knock down every wall I’ve created. I’ll risk it all and never think twice."
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Home 3 Days, Gone 3 Months
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Life Isn't A Box Of Fluffy Duckies
Friday, June 3, 2011
Day and Night
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sitting behind my desk typing and talking on the phone with no real conscious of what I'm doing.
Putting on a happy face when someone comes in and chatting on the phone in a cherry voice like I love my job.
The only thing on my mind is the number of days until I can see you again - Army March Out.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Not Cut Out For This
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
"Im gonna marry you"
Monday, May 23, 2011
Life Without You
I made the mistake of watching "Dear John" again last night. Thought about you the entire time. Of course. May have cried during that movie.
I get to see you in less than a week.
I'm pretty excited to say the least.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Re-living The Moment
I had you and you were here. With me. My head fits snugly in the groove of your neck. You smell unbelievably good - Its torture. I can't bare to let you go. With your hand on the small of my back you hold me tight, your other hand caresses my hair which hangs messily. I remember whispering to you rhetorical questions "why do you have to go?" You simply replied the same answer you say every time "I have to, Babe." I knew you had too. But I will protest for the sake of protesting. To let you know just how much I don't want you to go again.
I stand back and look up to you. You smile back and tell me you love me. I force a smile in attempt to hide my obvious pain. It can't have been very convincing you pull me close to you once again and hug me so tight I can't breath for a moment. But I'm not complaining. Being on the receiving end of your hug is far more important.
You really have to go now. With a final kiss, I turn my back on you and walk away. I don't turn around and wave goodbye, in fear you will see tears forming in my eyes.
You haven't even been gone a week yet and I'm waiting for a letter from you. Seems like I haven't been in contact with you for ages.
I remember laying in bed next to you one of those fortunate four nights you were home, thinking of hypothetical scenarios to make you stay.
"What if I was in some sort of horrific car crash and ended up in a coma with little chance of waking up?"
"I wouldn't go back to the Army - I would stay by your side until you woke up."
"What if they wanted to turn off life support?"
"Wouldnt fucking let them"
I replied sarcastically "...So thats what I have to do."
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Dear John Letter
Your Necklace
You can't wear your necklace in Army. So i'll wear it instead.
Every time I touch it, or see it around my neck - I think of you.
I twirl it around my fingers as I fall asleep.
I glad to have something to remind me of you. although I'm not entirely sure I needed anymore reminding, necklace or not your always on my mind.
As my mind wanders I try to imagine what your doing at this exact moment in time. Running comes to mind. Or just something physical in general. Something I'd be incapable of. The day you went back you told me you had a 20km run to do the next day. Makes me tired just thinking about it.
I try not to mope around being a real obvious downer. That gets no one no where.
I try to keep busy. Like you are i suppose. Although not that busy. Not running 20km busy.
Busy as in - Ill get my camera out every now and then which no subject to shoot. Just spontaneous shooting.
I brought the horse back into work as that's a full time commitment and it defiantly takes my mind of things. But horses are also frustrating. They make me angry a lot more than they should. Then everything I think of irritates me. Even you - How your left me for the Army. It was a choice. I know your happy there, but how? I'm not always happy here. Your miles away from me. You left me.
Now It's Different
Less than a week in and I found myself thinking of you all the time, how one would if there life long partner had left. I had you by my side for the past 18 months as my boyfriend and now you have just disappeared. Regardless of weather we were officially together or not, it didn't matter. I missed you terribly.
The count down until you came home this May was killing me. restless nights thinking of you, daydreaming of the moment I could jump into your arms once again. I knew you felt the same way. Numerous times your letters stipulated that we should be together. I knew you knew I was reluctant though. being and Army girlfriend is a choice not to take lightly. I tried to avoid asking myself the question. I was unsure if i could handle a long distance relationship. I fairly independent, But this long distance would not be a normal long distance. I knew I would go for weeks without zero contact, I knew 90% of the time letter would be the only way to tell you I love you. Letters take time though, and I know you don't get a lot of time to write back straight away. I knew of the pros and cons with being a military girlfriend. The majority being cons. But when you came home for those four days and I once again got to fall asleep in your arms. It didn't matter. I was glad to be your girlfriend again.
You've gone again. But I'm not too sad this time. for I know I will get to see you in two weeks. If anything I'm excited. I will get to see you in your Army uniform for the first time. I'm very much looking forward to it.
I know after these two weeks it will be different though. It will be a long time before I can see you again. How I handle that I dont know. Time will tell.